Golden Age Home

Lockhart, Texas

This assisted living community has been in Lockhart since the 1960s. A new facility was desperately needed and provide more rooms for the growing population. The 14-acre site was subdivided into two flag lots to create a separate lot for a new two-story, 82,000 square-foot building surrounded with convenient parking and outdoor spaces. Utilities were extended and the stormwater control for detention was designed to also be used as outdoor gathering space.


This extremely flat site required careful consideration to provide proper drainage. Neighboring homes were experiencing flooding from the existing conditions. The design for the new site detains and diverts stormwater runoff away from those neighbors during storms and provides green space for outdoor gatherings during dry weather.  

Master planning included both the 14-acre Golden Age Home lot and the adjacent 20-acre tract where a public roadway is extended to create a proper front entrance for the new assisted living building. Master planning also included an additional 96,000 square-foot of multifamily for independent living, 40+ single family/duplex cottages, and 30,000 square feet of commercial space. 

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master planning, preliminary platting, schematic design, zoning, subdivision platting, construction documents, land use permitting, and site development permitting (construction pending)